Bold = member of Aquatic Ecology Lab
* = Work done as student or postdoc
Manuscripts submitted
Perrotta, B. G.*, M. Simonin, J. A. Back, S. M. Anderson, C. M. Bergemann, B. T. Castellon*, B. P. Colman, C. W. Matson, E. S. Bernhardt, and R. S. King. Engineered nanoparticles increase nutrient excretion rates of primary consumers. Under revision (Environmental Science & Technology).
Perrotta, B. G.*, M. Simonin, S. M. Anderson, E. Baruch, B. T. Castellon*, B. P. Colman, C. W. Matson, E. S. Bernhardt, and R. S. King. Engineered nanoparticles alter insect emergence and result in flux of metals from aquatic to riparian predators. Under review.
Walker, C. M., D. F. Whigham, S. Bentz, J. Argueta, R. S. King, M. C. Rains, C. Simenstad, C. Guo, S. J. Baird, A. Bang, C. Field. Linking landscape attributes to salmon in the Kenai Lowlands, Alaska: Using science to communicate sustainability to user communities. Ecology and Society, under revision.
Wright, M.V.*, D.E. Hunt, C.W. Matson, L.F. Baker*, B.T. Castellon*, J.R. McCluskey*, Z. Wang, P.S. Watkins*, and R.S. King. Fish grazing amplifies effects of algal exposure to TiO2NP and alters periphyton community composition. Under review.
Cook, S. C.*, J. A. Back, and R. S. King. Compensatory dynamics of stream algae nonlinearly break down with increasing nutrient enrichment. Under review.
Robbins, C. J., J.A. Back, and R. S. King. Temporal patterns of stream bioavailable dissolved organic carbon vary with anthropogenic sources. Under review.
Burket, B.S., M. V. Wright*, L. F. Baker*, C.K. Chambliss, R.S. King, C. W. Matson, and B.W. Brooks. Periphyton, bivalves, and fish in effluent-dependent stream mesocosms differentially accumulate pharmaceuticals. Under review
Hiatt, D.L.*, S.C. Cook*, J.A. Back*, and R.S. King. Phosphorus enrichment drives rapid responses in alkaline phosphatase activity and carbon:phosphorus ratios in riverine periphyton: a coupled field-gradient and mesocosm experiment. Under review
Macneale, K., B. Sosik, M. Scoggins, A. Porras, A. Richter, A. Clamann, and R. S. King. Surprising trends: Improvements in macroinvertebrate communities and biological integrity scores in King County, WA and Austin, TX, despite increased urbanization Freshwater Science, invited paper, special issue.
Manuscripts published or in press
Robbins, C. J.*, A. D. Yeager*, S.C. Cook*, R.D. Doyle, J. Maurer, C.M. Walker, J.A. Back, D.F. Whigham, and R.S. King. 2020. Low-level dissolved organic carbon subsidies drive a trophic upsurge in a boreal stream. Freshwater Biology PDF
Avellan, A., Simonin, M., Anderson, S.M.,, Geitner, N.K., Bernhardt, E.S., Castellon, B*,, Colman, B.P., Hochella, M, King, R. S., Matson, C. W., Perrotta, B. G.*, Richardson, C. J., Unrine, J., Wiesner, M, and Lowry, G.V. 2020. Seasonal biogeochemical cycling and fate of copper- and gold-based engineered nanomaterials of contrasting metastability in a simulated freshwater wetland. Environmental Science & Technology
Robbins, C.J.,* Matthaeus, W.*, Cook, S. C.*, Housley, L.H.*, Robison, S*, Garbarino, M.*, Lebrun, E.*, Raut, S.*, Tseng, C.*, and R. S. King. 2019. Leaf-litter species identity influences whole-stream nutrient dynamics. Freshwater Biology 64:2247-2259 PDF**Note: this was a study conducted by my BIO 5405 (Stream Ecology) students in 2015; all authors were graduate students.
Hiatt, D. L.*, J. A. Back, and R. S. King.. 2019. Effects of stream velocity and phosphorus concentrations on alkaline phosphatase activity and carbon:phosphorus ratios in periphyton. Hydrobiologia 826:173-182 PDF
Liu, J.*, M. Simms, S. Song, R.S. King, and G. Cobb. 2018. Physiological Effects of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Arsenic on the Growth and Life Cycle of Rice (Oryza sativa japonica). Environmental Science & Technology 52:13728-13737. PDF
Geitner, N.K., Cooper, J.L., Avellan, A., Castellon, B. T.*, Perrotta, B.*, Bossa, B, Simonin, M., Bernhardt, E. S., Lowry, G. V., Matson, C. W., King, R. S., Unrine, J., Wiesner, M., and Hsu-Kim, H. 2018. Size-Based Differential Transport, Uptake, and Mass Distribution of CeO2 Nanoparticles in Wetland Mesocosms. Environmental Science & Technology 52:9768-9776 PDF
Colman, B. P., L. F. Baker*, R. S. King, C. W. Matson, J. M. Unrine, S. M. Marinakos, D. E. Gorka, and E. S. Bernhardt. 2018. Dosing not the dose: comparing chronic and pulsed silver nanoparticle exposures. Environmental Science & Technology. 52:10048-10056 PDF
Simonin, M., B. Colman, S. Anderson, R. S. King, M. Ruis, A. Avellan, C. Bergemann, B. Perrotta*, N. Geitner, M. Ho, B. de la Barrera, C. J. Richardson, M. Wiesner, and E. S. Bernhardt. 2018. Engineered nanoparticles interact with nutrients to intensify eutrophication in a wetland ecosystem experiment. Ecological Applications. 28:1435-1449. PDF
Taylor, J. M*., J. A. Back*, B. W. Brooks, and R. S. King. 2018. Spatial, temporal, and experimental: three study-design cornerstones for establishing defensible numeric criteria for freshwater ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology. 55:2114-2123. PDF
LeBrun, E.S.*, R.S, King, J. A. Back, and S. Kang. 2018. A metagenome-based investigation of gene relationships for non-substrate associated microbial P cycling in the water column of streams and rivers. Microbial Ecology. 76:856-865 PDF
Wright, M. V.*, C. W. Matson, L.F. Baker, B. T. Castellon*, P. S. Watkins* and R S. King. 2018. Titanium dioxide nanoparticle exposure reduces algal biomass and alters algal assemblage composition in wastewater effluent-dominated stream mesocosms. Science of the Total Environment 626: 357-365. PDF
LeBrun, E.S.*, D. L.Taylor, R.S. King, J. A. Back , and S. Kang. 2018. Rivers may constitute an overlooked avenue of dispersal for terrestrial fungi. Fungal Ecology 32:72-79. PDF
Cook, S. C.*, L. H. Housley*, J. A. Back, and R. S. King. 2018. Freshwater eutrophication drives sharp reductions in temporal beta diversity. Ecology 99:47-56 PDF
LeBrun, E. S.*, King, R.S., Back, J. A., Kang, S. 2018. Microbial community structure and function decoupling across a phosphorus gradient in streams. Microbial Ecology 75: 64-73 PDF
Hiatt, D.L.*, C.J. Robbins*, J. A. Back, P.K. Kostka*, D. F. Whigham, M. C. Rains, C. M. Walker, R. D. Doyle, and R. S. King. 2017. Catchment-scale alder cover controls nitrogen fixation in boreal headwater streams. Freshwater Science 36: 523-532. PDF
Whigham, D. F., Walker, C. M., Maurer, J., Baird, S. J., King, R. S., Keuskamp, J., Neal, P. 2017. Watershed influences on the structure and function of riparian wetlands associated with headwater streams - Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Science of the Total Environment599:124-134. PDF
Robbins, C. J.*, King, R. S., Yeager, A. D.*, Walker, C. M., Back, J. A., Doyle, R. D., Whigham, D. F. 2017. Low-level addition of dissolved organic carbon increases basal ecosystem function in a boreal headwater stream. Ecosphere 8(4):e01739. 10.1002/ecs2.1739 PDF
Kornis, M., D. Breitburg, R. Balouskus, D. M. Bilkovic, L. A. Davias, S. Giordano, K. Heggie, A.H. Hines, J. M. Jacobs, T. E. Jordan, R. S. King, C. J. Patrick, R. D. Seitz, H. Soulen, D. E. Weller, D. F. Whigham and J. Uphoff. 2017. Linking the abundance of estuarine fish and mobile shellfish in nearshore waters to shoreline hardening and land cover. Estuaries and Coasts 21:1:23. PDF
Callahan, M. K., D. F. Whigham, M. C. Rains, R. S. King, C. M. Walker, J. R. Maurer, and S. J. Baird. 2017. Nitrogen subsidies from hillslope alder stands to streamside wetlands and headwater streams, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53:478-492. PDF
Taylor, J. M,*, J.A. Back,, B.W. Brooks, and R. S. King. 2016. Consumer-mediated nutrient recycling is influenced by interactions between nutrient enrichment and the anti-microbial agent triclosan. Freshwater Science 35:856-872 PDF
King, R. S., M. Scoggins, and A. Porras. 2016. Stream biodiversity is disproportionately lost to urbanization when flow permanence declines: evidence from southwestern North America. Freshwater Science 35:340-352. PDF *open access, free download
Baker, L. F.* , R. S. King, J. M. Unrine, G. V. Lowry, and C. W. Matson. 2016. Press or pulse exposures determine the environmental fate of cerium nanoparticles in stream mesocosms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, DOI: 10.1002/etc.3261. PDF
King, R. S., R. A. Brain, J. A. Back, C. Becker, M.V. Wright*, V. T Djomte*, W. C Scott*, S. R. Virgil, B. W. Brooks, A. J. Hosmer, and C. K Chambliss. 2016. Effects of pulsed atrazine exposures on autotrophic community structure, biomass, and production in field-based stream mesocosms. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 35:660-675. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3213 PDF
Voss, K.*, R. S. King, and E. S. Bernhardt. 2015. From a line in the sand to a landscape of decisions: A Hierarchical Diversity Decision Framework (HiDDeF) for estimating and communicating biodiversity loss along anthropogenic gradients. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6:795-805. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.12379 PDF
Labay, B.J., D. A. Hendrickson, A. E. Cohen, T. H. Bonner, R. S. King, L.J. Kleinsasser, G. W. Linam, and K. O. Winemiller. 2015. Can Species Distribution Models Aid Bioassessment when Reference Sites are Lacking? Tests Based on Freshwater Fishes. Environmental Management 56:835-846. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-015-0567-0. PDF
Pease, A. A., J. M. Taylor*, K. O. Winemiller, and R. S. King . 2015. Functional trait diversity and trait-environment relationships in central Texas stream fish assemblages: implications for biomonitoring. Hydrobiologia 753:265-283. DOI 10.1007/s10750-015-2235-z. (cover photo, Etheostoma spectabile, by RS King). PDF
Ray, J. W.*, M. Husemann*, R. S. King, and P. D. Danley. 2015. Life at the leading edge: genetic impoverishment of the spotted bass, Micropterus punctulatus, at its Western edge Environmental Biology of Fishes 98:1823-1832. DOI 10.1007/s10641-015-0400-x. PDF
Callahan, M.K., M. C. Rains, J. C. Bellino, C. M. Walker, D. F. Whigham and R. S. King. 2015. Controls on temperature in salmonid-bearing headwater streams in two common hydrogeologic settings, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51:84-98. DOI: 10.1111/jawr.12235 PDF
Taylor, J. M.*, R.S. King, A. Pease, and K.O. Winemiller. 2014. Nonlinear response in stream ecosystem structure to low level phosphorus enrichment. Freshwater Biology59:969-984 PDF
Dekar, M. P.*, C. McCauley*, J. W. Ray*, and R. S. King. 2014. Thermal tolerance, survival, and recruitment among cyprinids exposed to competition and chronic heat stress in experimental streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143:1028-1036 PDF
King, R.S. and M.E. Baker. 2014. Use, misuse, and limitations of Threshold Indicator Taxa Analysis (TITAN) for natural resource management. pp 231-254 In: G. Guntenspergen (editor), Application of Threshold Concepts in Natural Resource Decision Making, Springer. PDF
Richardson, C. J. and R. S. King. 2013. A primer on sampling plant communities in wetlands. pp. 197-224 In: Methods in Biogeochemistry of Wetlands. Soil Science Society of America. PDF
Back, J.A., and R. S. King. 2013. Sex and size matter: Ontogenetic patterns of nutrient content of aquatic insects. Freshwater Science 32:837-848 PDF
Baker, M.E., and R. S. King. 2013. Of TITAN and straw men: an appeal for greater understanding of community data. Freshwater Science 32:489-506. PDF
Lang, D.A.*, R.S. King, and J.T. Scott. 2012. Divergent responses of biomass and enzyme activities suggest differential nutrient limitation in stream periphyton. Freshwater Science 31:1096-1104. PDF
Husemann, M.*, J. W. Ray*, R. S. King, E. Hooser*, and P.D. Danley. 2012. Comparative biogeography reveals differences in population genetic structure of five species of stream fishes. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 107:867-885. PDF
Bernhardt, E. S., B. D. Lutz, R. S. King, A. M. Helton, C. A. Carter, J. P. Fay, D. Campagna, J. Amos. 2012. How many mountains can we mine? Assessing the regional degradation of Central Appalachian rivers by surface coal mining. Environmental Science & Technology46: 8115-8122 PDF
Ray, J.W.*, M. Husemann*, R. S. King, and P. D. Danley. 2012. Genetic analysis reveals dispersal of Florida bass haplotypes from reservoirs to rivers in central Texas. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1269-1273 PDF
Stanley, C. E.*, J. M. Taylor*, and R. S. King. 2012. Coupling fish community structure with instream flow and habitat connectivity between two hydrologically extreme years. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 141:1000-1015. PDF
Taylor, J. M.*, J. A. Back*, T. W. Valenti*, and R. S. King. 2012. Fish-mediated nutrient cycling and benthic microbial processes: Can consumers influence stream nutrient cycling at multiple spatial scales? Freshwater Science 31:928-944. PDF
Studds, C. E., W. V. DeLuca, M. E. Baker, R. S. King, and P. P. Marra. 2012. Land cover and rainfall interact to shape waterbird community composition. PLoS One 7.e35969, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035969. PDF
King, R. S., C. M. Walker, D. F. Whigham, S. J. Baird, and J. A. Back*. 2012. Catchment topography and wetland geomorphology drive macroinvertebrate community structure and juvenile salmonid distributions in southcentral Alaska headwater streams. Freshwater Science 31:341-364 PDF
Walker, C. M., R. S. King, Whigham, D. W.,and S. J. Baird. 2012. Landscape and wetland influences on headwater stream chemistry in the Kenai Lowlands, Alaska. Wetlands32:301-310 PDF
Taylor, J. M.*, J. A. Back*, and R. S. King. 2012. Grazing minnows increase benthic autotrophy and enhance the response of periphyton elemental composition to experimental phosphorus additions. Freshwater Science 31:451-462 PDF
Whigham, D. W., C. M. Walker, R. S. King, and S. J. Baird. 2012. Multiple scales of influence on wetland vegetation associated with headwater streams in Alaska, USA. Wetlands 32:411-422 PDF
Dekar, M. P.*, R. S. King, C. M. Walker, D. F. Whigham, and J. A. Back*. 2012. Allochthonous inputs from grass-dominated wetlands support juvenile salmonids in headwater streams: evidence from stable isotopes of carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen. Freshwater Science 31:121-132. PDF
Shaftel, R. S.*, R. S. King, and J. A. Back*. 2012. Alder cover drives nitrogen availability in Kenai Peninsula headwater streams, Alaska. Biogeochemistry 107:135-148 PDF
Pease, A. A.^, J. M. Taylor*^, K. O. Winemiller, and R. S. King. 2011. Multiscale environmental influences on fish assemblage structure in central Texas streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 140:1409-1427. PDF ^co-first authors.
King, R. S., M. E. Baker, P. F. Kazyak, and D. E. Weller. 2011. How novel is too novel? Stream community thresholds at exceptionally low levels of catchment urbanization. Ecological Applications 21:1659-1678 -->PDF
Valenti, T. W.*, J.M. Taylor*, J.A. Back*, R.S. King, and B. W. Brooks. 2011. Influence of drought and total phosphorus on diel pH in wadeable streams: Implications for ecological risk assessment of ionizable contaminants. Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management. 7:636-647 -->PDF
Shaftel, R. S.*, R. S. King, and J. A. Back*. 2011. Breakdown rates, nutrient quality, and macroinvertebrate colonization of bluejoint grass litter in headwater streams of the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30:386-398.-->PDF
King, R. S.^ and M. E. Baker^. 2011. An alternative view of ecological community thresholds and appropriate analyses for their detection. Ecological Applications 21:2833-2839 ^equal contributors -->PDF
Baker, M. E.^ and R. S. King^. 2010. A new method for detecting and interpreting biodiversity and ecological community thresholds. Methods in Ecology and Evolution1:25-37, doi: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2009.00007.x ^Joint first authors
-->R code, data, & user's guide on CRAN (package 'TITAN2')
King, R. S.^ and M. E. Baker^. 2010. Considerations for analyzing ecological community thresholds in response to anthropogenic environmental gradients. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29:998-1008. -->PDF
^Joint first authors
Dodds, W. K., W. H. Clements, K. Gido, R.H. Hilderbrand, and R. S. King. 2010. Thresholds, breakpoints, and non-linearity in freshwater systems as related to management. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29:988-997 -->PDF
Fulton, B. A.*, R. A. Brain, S. Usenko, J. A. Back*, R. S. King, and B. W. Brooks. 2009. Influence of N and P concentrations and ratios on Lemna gibba growth responses to triclosan in laboratory and stream mesocosm experiments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28:2610-2621. -->PDF
Whigham, D.F., M. C. Whigham, I. Feller, W. Rodriguez, and R. S. King. 2009. Ecological characteristics of Batis maritima in Florida and Belize. Smithsonian Contributions to Marine Sciences 38: 491-499. -->PDF
Scott, J. T.*, D. A. Lang*, R. S. King, and R. D. Doyle. 2009. Nitrogen fixation and phosphatase activity in periphyton growing on nutrient diffusing substrata: Evidence for differential nutrient limitation in stream benthos. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 28:57-68 -->PDF
DeLuca, W. V., C. E. Studds, R. S. King, P. P. Marra. 2008. Coastal development and theintegrity of estuarine waterbird communities: threshold responses and the importance of scale. Biological Conservation 141:2669-2678 -->PDF
Richardson, C. J., R. S. King, S. S. Qian, P. Vaithiyanathan, R. G. Qualls, and C. A. Stow. 2008. Response to comment on "Estimating ecological thresholds for phosphorus in the Everglades". Environmental Science & Technology 42: 6772-6773.
Scott. J. T.*, J. A. Back*, J. M. Taylor*, and R. S. King. 2008. Does nutrient enrichment decouple algal-bacterial production in periphyton? Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27:332-334. -->PDF
Back, J. A.*, J. M. Taylor*, R. S. King, K. L. Fallert*, and E. H. Hintzen*. 2008. Ontogenetic differences in mayfly stoichiometry influence growth rates in response to phosphorus enrichment. Fundamental and Applied Limnology 171:233-240. PDF
King, R. S. and C. J. Richardson. 2008. Macroinvertebrate responses to a gradient of long-term nutrient additions, altered hydroperiod and fire. Pp 277-320 In: The Everglades Experiments: Lessons for Ecosystem Restoration, ed. C. J. Richardson. New York. Springer-Verlag. PDF
Richardson, C. J., R. S. King, S. S. Qian, P. Vaithiyanathan, R. G. Qualls, and C. A. Stow. 2008. An ecological basis for establishment of a phosphorus threshold for the Everglades ecosystem. Pp 595-620 In: The Everglades Experiments: Lessons for Ecosystem Restoration, ed. C. J. Richardson. New York. Springer-Verlag.
King, R. S. and C. J. Richardson. 2008. Macroinvertebrate and fish responses to experimental P additions in Everglades sloughs. Pp 477-504 In The Everglades Experiments: Lessons for Ecosystem Restoration, ed. C. J. Richardson. New York. Springer-Verlag. (PDF)
Kastovsky, J., K. Kastovsky, M. Bastl, J. Vymazal, R. S. King, and C. J. Richardson. 2008. Experimental assessment of phosphorus effects on algal assemblages in dosing mesocosms. Pp 461-476 In: The Everglades Experiments: Lessons for Ecosystem Restoration, ed. C. J. Richardson. New York. Springer-Verlag.
Richardson, C. J., J. Vymazal, R. S. King, E. A. Romanowicz, and J W. Pahl. 2008. Macrophyte community responses in the Everglades with an emphasis on cattail (Typha domingensis) and sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense) interactions along a gradient of long-term nutrient additions, altered hydroperiod and fire. Pp 215-260 In: The Everglades Experiments: Lessons for Ecosystem Restoration, ed. C. J. Richardson. New York. Springer-Verlag.
Rosenberg, D. M., V. H. Resh, and R. S. King. 2008. Use of aquatic insects in biomonitoring. In: R. W. Merritt K. W. Cummins, and M. Berg (editors). An Introduction to the Aquatic Insects of North America, 4th edition. Kendall/Hunt, Dubuque, IA.
Richardson, C. J., R. S. King, S. S. Qian, P. Vaithiyanathan, R. G. Qualls, and C. A. Stow. 2007. Estimating ecological thresholds for phosphorus in the Everglades. Environmental Science & Technology 41:8084-8091 (featured on cover). (PDF).
King, R. S. and C. J. Richardson. 2007. Subsidy-stress response of macroinvertebrate community biomass to a phosphorus gradient in an oligotrophic wetland ecosystem. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 26:491-508.(PDF)
King, R. S., W. V. DeLuca, D. F. Whigham, and P. P. Marra. 2007. Threshold effects of coastal urbanization on Phragmites australis (common reed) abundance and foliar nitrogen in Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries and Coasts 30:469-481 (featured on cover). (PDF)
King, R. S., M. E. Baker, D. F. Whigham, D. E. Weller, T. E. Jordan, P. F. Kazyak, and M. K. Hurd. 2005. Spatial considerations for linking watershed land cover to ecological indicators in streams. Ecological Applications 15:137-153. (PDF)
King, R. S., A. H. Hines, F. D. Craige, and S. Grap. 2005. Regional, watershed, and local correlates of blue crab and bivalve abundances in subestuaries of Chesapeake Bay, USA. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 319:101-116. (PDF)
King, R. S., J. Beaman, D. F. Whigham, A. H. Hines, M. E. Baker, and D. E. Weller. 2004. Watershed land use is strongly linked to PCBs in white perch in Chesapeake Bay subestuaries. Environmental Science and Technology 38:6546-6552. (PDF)
King, R. S., C. J. Richardson, D. L. Urban, and E. A. Romanowicz. 2004. Spatial dependency of vegetation-environment linkages in an anthropogenically influenced wetland ecosystem. Ecosystems 7:75-97 (featured on cover). (PDF)
Qian, S. S., Y. Pan, and R. S. King. 2004. Soil phosphorus threshold in the Everglades: a Bayesian changepoint analysis for multinomial response data. Ecological Indicators 4:29-37. (PDF)
King, R. S. and C. J. Richardson. 2003. Integrating bioassessment and ecological risk assessment: an approach to developing numerical water-quality criteria. Environmental Management 31:795-809. (PDF)
Qian, S. S., R. S. King, and C. J. Richardson. 2003. Two statistical methods for the detection of environmental thresholds. Ecological Modelling 166:87-97. (PDF)
King, R. S. and C. J. Richardson. 2002. Evaluating subsampling approaches and macroinvertebrate taxonomic resolution for wetland bioassessment. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 21:150-171. (PDF)
King, R. S., K. T. Nunnery, and C. J. Richardson. 2000. Macroinvertebrate assemblage response to highway crossings in forested wetlands: implications for biological assessment. Wetlands Ecology and Management 8:243-256. (PDF)
Lemly, A. D. and R. S. King. 2000. An insect-bacteria bioindicator for assessing detrimental nutrient enrichment in wetlands. Wetlands 20:91-100. (PDF)
King, R. S. and J. C. Brazner. 1999. Coastal wetland insect communities along a trophic gradient in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Wetlands 19:426-437. (PDF)
King, R. S. and D. A. Wrubleski. 1998. Spatial and diel availability of flying insects as potential duckling food in prairie wetlands. Wetlands 18:100-114. (PDF)
Technical reports
King, R. S. 2016. Oklahoma-Arkansas Scenic Rivers Joint Phosphorus Study Final Report. Submitted to the Oklahoma-Arkansas Joint Study Committee, 19 Dec. 2016. PDF
B. Haggard, D. Smithee, R. Benefield, S. Philips, M. Matlock, S. Chard., and King, R. S.. 2016. Final Report to the Governors from the Joint Study Committee and Scientific Professionals. PDF
King, R. S., B. W. Brooks, J. A. Back*, J. M Taylor*, and B.A Fulton*. 2009. Linking Observational and Experimental Approaches for the Development of Regional Nutrient Criteria for Wadeable Streams. Section 104(b)(3) Water Quality Cooperative Agreement #CP-966137-01 U. S. EPA Region 6, Dallas, TX. PDF
King, R. S., K. O. Winemiller, J.M Taylor*, J. A. Back* and A. Pease*. 2009. Development of biological indicators of nutrient enrichment for application in Texas streams. 106 Water Pollution Control Grant # 98665304, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Austin, TX. PDF